Wholesale Orders - Please call us or click on the Wholesale Tab on our Home Page for Wholesale Ordering information and catalog.
Warranty - All Whistle Creek products are guaranteed to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase. You can test drive one risk free for 30 days. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Returns & Exchanges - if you purchased your item from a retailer, please return it to the retailer. If you purchased the item from us and you would like a refund, please return it to one of the addresses above, and include a copy of your original purchase receipt.
If you would like something in exchange, and you have our catalog, include the order form with your return. If you do not have one of our catalogs, feel free to phone and request one, or visit this website and place your order.
Shipping - We ship all product UPS, so please give us your street address, no P.O. Box or APO's please
Payments - We accept VISA, MC, American Express, Money Order and Personal Checks, no COD's please
OVERSEAS ORDERS - We do not ship overseas or outside of the U.S. Most of our foreign customers have us ship the item to a friend in the states for forwarding.
Privacy - We will not sell or share your contact or purchase information with anyone else, your business with us stays between us.